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Bariatrics & Body Contouring News & Updates in Los Angeles, CA

Weighing Weight Loss Gastric Surgery

4 Best Gastric Surgery Procedures – Misconceptions Pros & Cons

According to the CDC, 42.4% of Americans are obese. Losing weight is difficult, and many diets fail since they are not sustainable. There are also health, social, and economic effects associated with obesity. Effects like… If you are obese, you might think you’re stuck between two impossible choices. You either travel a near-impossible weight loss…

Best Bariatric Surgeries in 2020 for Fast & Healthy Weight Loss

Best Bariatric Surgeries in 2020 for Fast & Healthy Weight Loss

Weight loss surgeries have grown in popularity. It’s easy to see why 40% of the country is obese, with nearly half the population expected to become obese by 2030. Due to several factors such as unhealthy eating, stress, sedentary lifestyles, and in some cases genetic factors or medical issues, many people are struggling with maintaining a…

Lose Weight with Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Weight Loss – How Much Fat Can You Expect to Lose (In Pounds)?

Gastric sleeve surgery is a useful tool in the fight against obesity. The bariatric (weight loss) procedure, otherwise known as the sleeve gastrectomy or laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG), reduces the size of your stomach, forcing you to eat less. Once bariatric surgery is performed, gastric sleeve patients lose between 65% and 75% of their excess…

keys factors for weight loss

10 Weight Loss Surgery Factors That Make for the Most Successful (and Long-Term) Results!

Weight loss surgery can deliver amazing results. It can lose 60%-80% of your excess weight in the first two years. Unfortunately, 15%-35% of bariatric surgery patients fail to reach their weight loss goal after surgery. That’s what you don’t want. What you do want is to lose the excess weight fast and for life! That’s where bariatric…

Medical Tourism for Gastric Sleeve is the ideal choice for individuals looking to undergo an effective weight loss procedure. This popular surgical technique helps patients achieve significant weight loss by reducing the size of the stomach.

4 Reasons Why Medical Tourism (Traveling Overseas) for Gastric Surgery is a Bad Idea & How to Find Safe Weight Loss Surgery Here at Home Instead!

Traveling overseas hoping to find cheaper weight loss surgery or medical tourism for gastric sleeve is a growing trend. Known as medical tourism, many patients with obesity (BMI of 40+) travel to Mexico or as far away as Europe to undergo gastric sleeve surgery in the hopes of shedding their excess weight. With over 23 million…

A stomach with the words lap band removal gastric sleeve.

Lap Band Failed to Work? Ask About Transitioning from Lap Band Removal to Gastric Sleeve for 80% Excess Weight Loss!

The gastric band (Lap band) and gastric sleeve are two common bariatric (weight loss) surgeries. Both can help you lose excess weight if you are morbidly obese (which means you have a Body Mass Index (BMI) over 40. At that weight, you are more susceptible to various ailments like type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, cancer, and early…

Gastric sleeve and hernia repair in a single surgical session.

Hiatal Hernia Repair and Sleeve Gastrectomy – Fix Hernia Related Issues like GERD & Lose Weight Safely by Combining These Two Surgeries

Not many people know that hiatal hernia repair surgery and sleeve gastrectomy (gastric sleeve) can be combined into a single procedure. If you suffer from morbid obesity and want to repair your hernia while fighting obesity with the gastric sleeve, you’ll want to request a single surgical session for both techniques. Here is everything you…

Can the Gastric Balloon Result in Long-Term Weight Loss & Is it a Viable Solution to Obesity?

Can the Gastric Balloon Result in Long-Term Weight Loss & Is it a Viable Solution to Obesity?

The gastric balloon treatment was first introduced in 1985 as the Garren-Edwards gastric bubble (GEGB). It was the first intragastric balloon approved for treating obesity in the United States. The cylindrical device was made of a polyurethane material filled with 200-220 ml of air. Unfortunately, the U.S.’s first gastric balloon ran into problems. Its use…

Gastric ballon lifestyle

Quick Tips to Enjoying a Healthy Lifestyle After Your Gastric Balloon Procedure

The late motivational speaker Jim Rohn once said, “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” The gastric balloon procedure represents an excellent way to do just that, take care of your body by losing excess weight. You may already know that being overweight poses a significant risk to your health. Not only are you…

Dr moein Author: Babak Moein, MD
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